Gluten Free Bread: Genius vs. Mrs Crimbles

Gluten free bread. It's like London buses; wait ages for one to come along and then two for your destination arrive at the same time.

This morning (quite unusually) I had breakfast at home. I've recently tried Genius bread in both the white and wholemeal varieties. I'd tried to pick up another loaf of wholemeal Genius from Waitrose but they'd run out. (NB if anyone from Waitrose reads this, please order more stocks into your SW11 branch. Clearly a local demand, it seems to sell out immediately). Optimistically, I scanned the shelves in case of an alternative to Genius and there sat Mrs Crimbles, which I've previously read good reports about.

So this morning I got to try the much lauded Mrs Crimbles and compare it to Genius.

Genius vs Mrs Crimbles...who wins?

Gluten Free Mrs D
